Upcycled Bird Bath: post 101!

Bird bath
Birdbath in the garden

WordPress told me I have achieved a bloggy milestone of sorts. There are 100 Crappy Crafter posts. So for our 101st creative effort, I offer the Upcycled Bird Bath! The white plastic pot is a faux concrete pot that really looks like the cheap plastic that it is. I have held it over the recycling can many times, but always granted it a reprieve from the threat of either landfill or recycling center. So when I spotted a a really vivid orange plastic daisy bowl (or platter?) in the supermarket, I just knew it had the potential of being a bird bath. So, as Crappy Crafty thinking tends to wander around the brain until a truly frugal, creative, and above all, easy project emerges…I boldly plunked the bowl on top of the pot and filled it with water. The next step was reading a bunch of articles about where to locate a birdbath. This woodsy corner of my garden near ferns and a pot of mint seemed lovely. Unfortunately, the birds are avoiding the bird bath in droves. Either they party in it when I’m not looking or they did not read those articles about where to put a birdbath. So for all you birdies who followed the 100 blog posts, please advise. Is the color too frightening? Thank you.

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Filed under assemblage, Fail, garden craft, upcycling

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